Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Raster RGB and Indexed increased resolution quality comparison

In this assignment, there 2 Sony logos, one is RGB and the other is indexed color. The RGB image has straight curved lines, it's a little blurry and has some quality. 

The second image is smudged, has static lines has good quality but it needs some fixing.



Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Vector File size comparison

In this assignment,  I used my selfie photo to image trace the photo.

The first image is 3 colors of image trace and is expanded and doesn't a lot nor too little points. The file size is 207 KB.

 This photo is image traced with high fidelity and expanded which is filled and covered with a lot of points. The file size is 2.1 MB because it has a lot of points which makes it bigger.

This photo is curved line that has 2 points with a 10 point stroke. The file size is 1.6 MB.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

vector self portrait

 This assignment was about the converting the images from raster to vector. The pictures no longer have pixels that's why they are now vector.
black and white

Raster uses pixels for the image and Vector uses areas, selects colors and doesn't use pixels. 

The first image, I increased the saturation and contrast, then I used image trace to create the other images which black and white, 16 colors and sketched art. 

         16 colors
sketched art

vector logo

In this assignment, we were given the copies of 4 logos that had bad quality and we were told to fix the quality of the logosAlso the image went from raster to vector which removes the pixels.

I first open adobe illustrator, opened up the images and i resized the images to fit into the space in a square size. I didn't stretch nor expand because it will cause damage to the logo. Then i selected an image trace that would fix the quality of the logo. All the images are high fidelity, which the quality of the logo was fixed and corrected. 
Once i fixed it, i saved the logos as AI in a file and JPG for the blog.

Thursday, October 1, 2015


semiotics logo


This logo is the album cover of the heavy metal band Slipknot. It has 3 colors, black, gray and white. The symbols an S that is symbolized, a pentagram behind the S and the text. The text says, "All hope is gone", the name of their 4th album

 The 2 symbols in this logo, the S is symbolized . The pentagram is a circle with a star overlapping the circle and numbers that degrees. Both of these symbols have been used for the band since 1999. The S is an identity of their band, a persona some would say. This symbolized S has never been used in any other matters, it's owned by the company of road runner records that produces and directs the band slipknot. The pentagram